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Blog March 3, 2023 ADCS, Certificates, Certreq, Certutil, Csplist, Csptest, exportpfx, importpfx, PKI, uSAGE

Hidden switches of Certutil.exe and Certreq.exe

by Mark B. Cooper

Hey Kids, Rock and Roll!

Two of the most reliable toolsets in Windows for the last two decades have been the tandem of certutil.exe and certreq.exe. It’s no secret there are a wealth of very useful functions exposed in the basic usage of these tools, also documented publicly here:

certutil.exe public documentation

certreq.exe public documentation

But what is not as widely known are the hidden switches of certutil.exe and certreq.exe. In order to expose these, the following case-sensitive syntax is needed:

certutil.exe -uSAGE
certreq.exe -uSAGE

These can be expanded fully with the -v switch preceding the –uSAGE switch, for example:

certutil.exe -v -uSAGE

Each hidden switch can also be fully expanded in this fashion. Let’s take a look at some of the differences. We’ll start with certutil.exe.

In order to visually see the differences I piped the regular -? output alongside the –uSAGE output and used the Compare plugin in Notepad++ to see the deltas.

Output of certutil -uSAGE on the left and certutil -? on the right

Immediately you notice there are several included in –uSAGE not included in –?

Here are the differences for certutil.exe:

-encodehex -- Encode file in hexadecimal

-getconfig2 -- Get default configuration string via ICertGetConfig
-getconfig3 -- Get configuration via ICertConfig

-CAPropInfo -- Display CA Property Type Information

-exportPFX -- Export certificate and private key

-TPMInfo -- Display Trusted Platform Module Information

-getcert -- Select a certificate from a selection UI

-ds -- Display DS DNs
-dsDel -- Delete DS DNs

-dsCert -- Display DS Certificates
-dsCRL -- Display DS CRLs
-dsDeltaCRL -- Display DS Delta CRLs
-dsTemplate -- Display DS Template Attributes
-dsAddTemplate -- Add DS Templates

-SetCATemplates -- Set templates for CA

-URL -- Verify Certificate or CRL URLs

-SCDump -- Dump smart card file information

-key -- List key containers
-delkey -- Delete named key container

-csplist -- List CSPs installed on this machine
-csptest -- Test CSPs installed on this machine
-CNGConfig -- Display CNG Configuration

-Class -- Display COM registry information
-7f -- Check certificate for 0x7f length encodings

-getsmtpinfo -- Get SMTP info
-setsmtpinfo -- Set SMTP info

Each of these differences can be individually articulated, for example:

certutil.exe -csplist -?

or fully articulated

certutil.exe -csplist -?

It usually isn’t much difference, but it helps show a number of the possibilities.

Verbose help output for certutil -csplist on the left, regular output on the right

There are several switches which are immensely helpful in performing operations and troubleshooting. The –ds switch can be used to show what the Active Directory containers look like. The –dstemplate switch can be used to enumerate a particular certificate template. If you throw a –v before –dstemplate it can be used to fully articulate the template and expand enrollment and private key flags. The – csplist and –csptest flags enumerate and test the legacy Cryptographic Service Providers as well as the Key Storage Providers on the computer. Those are immensely helpful in troubleshooting HSMs or Smart Cards and enumerating the Cryptographic Algorithms exposed by each provider.

Here are the hidden flags for certreq.exe:

CertReq -EOBO [Options]
    Start the Enroll-On-Behalf-Of wizard.

  CertReq -EnrollX [Options]
    Enroll for multiple certificates.

  CertReq -AutoEnroll [Options]
    Start Auto-Enroll U/I.

  CertReq -Request [Options]
    Create a custom request.

  CertReq -ImportPFX [Options] PFXFile [Provider [Reader [ContainerPrefix [FriendlyName [Flags]]]]]
    Import PFX to specified provider.
    -p Password
    -pin Pin
    -user | -machin

While it is interesting that certutil.exe has a hidden –exportPFX and certreq.exe has a hidden –ImportPFX, I must qualify posting these by saying “Use at your own risk”. They are hidden, and not documented for a reason.

There is also an –importPFX in the public switches for certutil.exe which seem to be vastly different than certreq.exe but with the potential for similar outcome.

certutil -v -importpfx -?
  CertUtil [Options] -importPFX [CertificateStoreName] PFXFile [Modifiers]
  Import certificate and private key
    CertificateStoreName -- Certificate store name.  See -store.
    PFXFile -- PFX file to be imported
    Modifiers -- Comma separated list of one or more of the following:
            AT_SIGNATURE -- Change the KeySpec to Signature
            AT_KEYEXCHANGE -- Change the KeySpec to Key Exchange
            NoExport -- Make the private key non-exportable
            NoCert -- Do not import the certificate
            NoChain -- Do not import the certificate chain
            NoRoot -- Do not import the root certificate
            Protect -- Protect keys with password
            NoProtect -- Do not password protect keys
    Defaults to personal machine store.
    [-f] [-Enterprise] [-user] [-GroupPolicy] [-Silent] [-p Password] [-csp Provider]
      NoChain -- End Entity certificate only
      NoRoot -- Exclude root certificate

  -f                -- Force overwrite
  -Enterprise       -- (-ent) Use local machine Enterprise registry certificate store
  -user             -- Use HKEY_CURRENT_USER keys or certificate store
  -GroupPolicy      -- (-gp) Use Group Policy certificate store
  -Unicode          -- Write redirected output in Unicode
  -gmt              -- Display times as GMT
  -seconds          -- Display times with seconds and milliseconds
  -Silent           -- (-q) Use silent flag to acquire crypt context
  -v                -- Verbose operation
  -privatekey       -- Display password and private key data
  -pin PIN                  -- Smart Card PIN
  -p Password               -- Password
  -csp Provider             -- Provider
        KSP -- "Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider"
        TPM -- "Microsoft Platform Crypto Provider"
        NGC -- "Microsoft Passport Key Storage Provider"
        SC -- "Microsoft Smart Card Key Storage Provider"
  -sid WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE  -- Numeric SID
            22 -- Local System
            23 -- Local Service
            24 -- Network Service

Contrast the usage above with certreq.exe

certreq -v -importpfx -?
  CertReq -?
  CertReq [-v] -?
  CertReq [-Command] -?

  CertReq -ImportPFX [Options] PFXFile [Provider [Reader [ContainerPrefix [FriendlyName [Flags]]]]]
    Import PFX to specified provider.

    -p Password
    -pin Pin
    -user | -machine

  -any                    - Force ICertRequest::Submit to determine encoding
  -attrib AttributeString - Request attribute string
  -binary                 - Output files in binary format instead of Base64-
  -config ConfigString    - Server\CertificationAuthority
                            or for an https: connection: Enrollment Server URL
                            or for a SCEP server: Server Name or URL
                            or use a single minus sign (-) for local machine CA
  -crl                    - Include CRLs in CertChainFileOut or
  -rpc                    - Use RPC instead of a DCOM server connection
  -f                      - Force existing files to be overwritten
  -q                      - Suppress all interactive dialogs
  -v                      - Display full response properties
  -?                      - Display this usage message
  -Unicode                - Write redirected output in Unicode
  -UnicodeText            - Write output file in Unicode

  RequestFileIn           - Base64-encoded or binary input file name:
                            PKCS10 certificate request,
                            CMS certificate request,
                            PKCS7 certificate renewal request,
                            X.509 certificate to be cross-certified, or
                            KeyGen tag format certificate request
  RequestFileOut          - Base64-encoded output file name
  PKCS10FileOut           - Base64-encoded PKCS10 output file name
  CertFileOut             - Base64-encoded X-509 file name
  CertChainFileOut        - Base64-encoded PKCS7 file name
  FullResponseFileOut     - Base64-encoded Full Response file name
  ConfigString            - Backslash separated server name and Certification
                            Authority name: MachineDnsName\CAName
  AttributeString         - Colon separated Name and Value string pairs
                            Each pair is separated by a backslash and "n"
                            Example: "Name1: Value1\n Name2: Value2"
  PolicyFileIn            - INF file containing a textual representation
                            of extensions used to qualify a request

Very interesting stuff. It is probably really easy to get the two mixed up if you typed them differently. Again, I reiterate: Use this information at your own risk.

I welcome comments regarding how people out there are using the undocumented switches in certutil.exe and certreq.exe. How are you using them?

Until next time…

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Mark B. Cooper

President & Founder at PKI Solutions, Leading PKI Cybersecurity Subject Matter Expert, Author, Speaker, Trainer, Microsoft Certified Master.

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