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Blog August 1, 2024 Trade Show

Heading to Black Hat 2024 - PKI Spotlight Growth!

by Mark B Cooper

Over two years since we started transforming PKI Solutions from a consulting and training organization to a PKI software and services organization. It’s not an easy transition—it takes adapting years and years of processes centered on consulting, training, and support of some of the world’s most important companies. As we kick off August 2024, it is amazing to see what we have accomplished in such a short period of time.

This month, we will attend Black Hat 2024 in Las Vegas (See us at booth #3105) and exhibit as a vendor for the first time at the event. This is driven by the tremendous success we have seen in the adoption and growth of PKI Spotlight and our continued success in consulting and training.

PKI Spotlight has reached milestone after milestone over the last several months, and evolving to exhibit at shows and draw attention to what Gartner Research has now recognized as a new segment of “PKI Posture Management” couldn’t make me prouder. Customers are starting to realize that a Certificate Lifecycle Management (CLM) only approach isn’t sufficient to meet modern organizational security and resilience requirements.

In the first six months of 2024 alone, we have seen a 50% growth in PKI Spotlight customers and annual recurring revenue (ARR). During this time, we added customers 3x faster than when we launched PKI Spotlight in 2022. In that same period, we added twice as many customers as in 2023—and we have five months left to go in the year! We are on track to double our PKI Spotlight customers by the end of the year and more than double ARR.

More importantly, we are seeing an amazing 100% renewal rate for PKI Spotlight customers. In fact, most customers are renewing for longer terms than their initial agreement. If there is ever a measure of customer satisfaction and market need, a 100% renewal rate is the gold standard.

Mark B Cooper

President & Founder at PKI Solutions, Leading PKI Cybersecurity Subject Matter Expert, Author, Speaker, Trainer, Microsoft Certified Master.

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