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CertificateTemplateFlags Enumeration

Defines the general-enrollment flags.

This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

Namespace:  PKI.CertificateTemplates
Assembly:  SysadminsLV.PKI (in SysadminsLV.PKI.dll) Version: (
public enum CertificateTemplateFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
Undefined1 Undefined.
AddEmail2 Reserved. All protocols MUST ignore this flag.
Undefined24 Undefined.
DsPublish8 Reserved. All protocols MUST ignore this flag.
AllowKeyExport16 Reserved. All protocols MUST ignore this flag.
Autoenrollment32 This flag indicates whether clients can perform autoenrollment for the specified template.
MachineType64 This flag indicates that this certificate template is for an end entity that represents a machine.
IsCA128 This flag indicates a certificate request for a CA certificate.
AddTemplateName512 This flag indicates that a certificate based on this section needs to include a template name certificate extension.
DoNotPersistInDB1024 This flag indicates that the record of a certificate request for a certificate that is issued need not be persisted by the CA.

Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 - this flag is not supported.

IsCrossCA2048 This flag indicates a certificate request for cross-certifying a certificate.
IsDefault65536 This flag indicates that the template SHOULD not be modified in any way.
IsModified131072 This flag indicates that the template MAY be modified if required.
See Also