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PkcsSubjectIdentifier Properties

The PkcsSubjectIdentifier type exposes the following members.

Public propertyRawData
Gets the raw data associated with the current object.
Public propertyType
Gets the type of the of subject identifier. The subject can be identified by the certificate issuer and serial number or the subject key.

The following table displays mappings between subject identifier type and object type stored in the Value property:

Identifier typeObject type
IssuerAndSerialNumberAn instance of X509IssuerSerial class.
SubjectKeyIdentifier A string that represents subject key identifier value (cryptographic hash calculated over a public key).
Sha1HashA SHA1 hash of the certificate to be used as a unique identifier of the certificate.

Public propertyValue
Contains the value of the subject identifier. Object type and it's description depends on Type property value.

The following table displays mappings between subject identifier type and object type stored in the property:

Identifier typeObject type
IssuerAndSerialNumberAn instance of X509IssuerSerial class.
SubjectKeyIdentifier A string that represents subject key identifier value (cryptographic hash calculated over a public key).
NoSignatureA string that contains hash value of external message.

See Also