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CspProviderInfo Properties

The CspProviderInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlgorithms
Gets a collection of CspProviderAlgorithmInfo objects that contains information about the algorithms supported by the provider.
Public propertyHardwareRNG
Gets a Boolean value that specifies whether the provider supports a hardware random number generator that can be used to create random bytes for cryptographic operations.
Public propertyIsHardware
Gets a Boolean value that determines whether the provider is implemented in a hardware device.
Public propertyIsLegacy
Gets a Boolean value that specifies whether the provider is a Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG) provider or a CryptoAPI (legacy) CSP.
Public propertyIsRemovable
Gets a Boolean value that specifies whether the token that contains the key can be removed.
Public propertyIsSmartCard
Gets a Boolean value that specifies whether the provider is a smart card provider.
Public propertyIsSoftware
Gets a Boolean value that specifies whether the provider is implemented in software.
Public propertyIsValid
Gets a Boolean value that specifies whether the provider is installed on the client computer.
Public propertyKeyContainerLength
Gets the maximum supported length for the name of the private key container associated with the provider.
Public propertyKeySpec
Gets a value that specifies the intended use of the algorithms supported by the provider.
Public propertyName
Gets the name of the provider.
Public propertyType
Gets the type of the provider.
Public propertyVersion
Gets the version number of the provider.
See Also