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AIA Properties

The AIA type exposes the following members.

Public propertyConfigURI
Gets an URL representation that is shown in Certification Authority MMC snap-in Extensions tab. See for detailed variable token replacement rules.
Public propertyFlags
Gets URL publication Flags. The following Flags (or combination) may be used:

1 - Instructs CA to publish CRT file to this location (see Remarks).

2 - Instructs CA to include specified URL to all issued certificate's Authority Information Access extension.

32 - Instructs CA to include specified URL to all issued certificate's Authority Information Access extension as a OCSP Locator.

Public propertyIncludeToExtension
Gets True if specified URL is configured to include specified URL to all issued certificate's Authority Information Access extension.
Public propertyOCSP
Gets True if specified URL is configured to include specified URL to all issued certificate's Authority Information Access extension as a OCSP Locator.
Public propertyRegURI
Gets an URL that is formatted as follows: Flags:protocol/ActualURL/options.

for example, an URL can be: 3:

See Remarks for detailed URL structure.
Public propertyServerPublish
Gets True if specified URL is configured to publish the CRT file to the specified location.
See Also