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Retrieves pending certificate requests from Certification Authority (CA) database.


Get-PendingRequest [-CertificationAuthority] <CertificateAuthority[]> [[-RequestID] <Int32[]>] [[-Page] <Int32>] [[-PageSize] <Int32>] [[-Property] <String[]>] [[-Filter] <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>]


Retrieves pending certificate requests from Certification Authority (CA) database. Pending requests are requests that require manual CA Administrator or CA Manger approval. You must use this command in order to approve or deny pending request with Approve-PendingRequest or Deny-PendingRequest

Since a CA server may contain many pending certificate requests, you may specify various filters by using 'RequestID' or 'Filter' parameters.


-CertificationAuthority <CertificateAuthority[]>

Specifies the Certification Authority to process. This object can be retrieved by running Get-CertificationAuthority command.

Required? True
Position? 0
Default value
Accept pipeline input? true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters? False

-RequestID <Int32[]>

Use this parameter if you know desired request ID or IDs. You may specify more than one ID and command will return only failed requests with matching IDs.

If this parameter is used, 'Filter' parameter is ignored.

Required? False
Position? 1
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? False

-Property <String[]>

By default, the command returns only common certificate request properties (database columns). Use this parameter to show additional properties if necessary. List of possible properties depends on CA server operating system version. To retrieve valid property list run Get-CertificationAuthorityDbSchema command.

In order to display all properties for output objects set this parameter to asterisk '*'. However, all property retrieval may affect Certification Authority's performance.

Required? False
Position? 4
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? False

-Filter <String[]>

Specifies the query filter to restrict output objects to ones that matches query filter rule. Query filter rule consist of three components: <RequestProperty>, <comparison operator> and <value>. Query filter is composed in the following format: "<RequestProperty> <comparison operator> <value>" where:
<RequestProperty> – is a certificate request property name. To retrieve valid property list run Get-CertificationAuthorityDbSchema command.
<comparison operator> – specifies the logical operator of the data-query qualifier for the column.
<value> – specifies the data query qualifier applied to the certificate request property.

Possible operators are:
-eq (equal to) – the value in the <value> field equals to a value stored in the certificate request property.
-le (less or equal to) – the value in the <value> field is less or equal to a value stored in the certificate request property. See below about operator behavior with string qualifiers.
-lt (less than) – the value in the <value> field is less then a value stored in the certificate request property. See below about operator behavior with string qualifiers.
-ge (greater or equal to) – the value in the <value> field is greater or equal to a value stored in the certificate request property. See below about operator behavior with string qualifiers.
-gt (greater than) – the value in the <value> field is greater than a value stored in the certificate request property. See below about operator behavior with string qualifiers.

There are special rules when processing the following operators: '-ge', '-gt', '-le' and '-lt' with string qualifiers. In this case, CA server performs binary comparison between strings (column value and qualifier value). For example, "A" is less than "B" ("A" is placed before "B", therefore "B" is greater than "A"), "AC" is greater than "AB", "ABC" is less than "BRC".
If column value length is larger than qualifier string, a wild card is virtually added to the query qualifier value. For example, column value is "a large string" and qualifier value is "a large", then column value is greater than qualifier value. In other words, "AA" > "A" and "A" < "AA".

An example of the filter: Request.RequesterName -eq domain\username
this filter returnes requests that were requested by 'domain\username' user account. See examples section for more filter examples.

You can specify multiple filters. All filters are applied to requests with logical AND operator. This means that output requests must match all filters.

Note: wildcard characters are not supported.

Note: if 'RequestID' parameter is specified, all filters are ignored.

Required? False
Position? 5
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? False

-Page <Int32>

Specifies the page number to read from CA database. This parameter is part of CA database paging functionality and works in conjunction with 'PageSize' parameter.

Required? False
Position? 2
Default value 1
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? False

-PageSize <Int32>

Specifies the page size to load from CA database. This parameter can limit the number of database rows returned by this command at once. When not specified, no limits are set and CA will return all rows associated with the query.

Required? False
Position? 3
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? False


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, InformationAction, InformationVariable,
WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable and OutVariable.
For more information, see about_CommonParameters (





You can pipe this object to Remove-AdcsDatabaseRow to delete specified objects from CA database.



Example 1

PS C:\> Get-CertificationAuthority -Name MyCA | Get-PendingRequest

Retrieves all pending certificate requests from 'MyCA' certification Authority.

Example 2

PS C:\> Get-CertificationAuthority -Name MyCA | Get-PendingRequest -Property "CertificateTemplate", "Request.RawRequest"

Retrieves all pending certificate requests from 'MyCA' CA server. Also this command adds 'CertificateTemplate' and 'Request.RawRequest' properties. 'Request.RawRequest' property contains original request that was submitted. You can save this property's value to a file for detailed request inspection.

Example 3

PS C:\> Get-CertificationAuthority -Name MyCA | Get-PendingRequest -Filter "Request.CommonName -eq" | Approve-CertificateRequest

The command retrieves all pending request from MyCA which were submitted for '' subject name and pipes it to Approve-CertificateRequest command to issue the certificate (complete certificate request). Additionally you can pipe the object to Deny-CertificateRequest command if you decided to not issue the certificate for the request.

Related links


Minimum PowerShell version support

  • Windows PowerShell 3.0

Operating System Support

  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 all editions
  • Windows Server 2012 all editions
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 all editions
  • Windows Server 2016 all editions
  • Windows Server 2019 all editions
  • Windows Server 2022 all editions