OcspResponder Class

Represents Microsoft Online Responder object. Online Responder is a Microsoft implementation of Online Certificate Status Protocol. Using this class you can manage various aspects of Online Responder management.


Namespace: SysadminsLV.PKI.Management.CertificateServices
Assembly: SysadminsLV.PKI.Win (in SysadminsLV.PKI.Win.dll) Version: (
public class OcspResponder
Object    OcspResponder


ArrayController Gets the Array Controller of the current Online Responder Array.
ArrayMembers Gets a list of array members of the current Online Responder Array.
AuditFilter Gets or sets the set of flags that identify the responder events for which the security audit is performed.
ComputerName Gets the host name of Online Responder.
IsArrayController Indicates whether the current instance of Online Responder is Array Controller.
IsRunning Indicates whether the OCSP service is running.
LogLevel Gets or sets the logging level on Online Responder.
MaxNumOfCacheEntries Gets or sets the maximum number of OCSP responses cached by Online Responder.
MaxNumOfRequestEntries Gets or sets the maximum number of request entries in OCSP request message. Default value is 1.
MaxRequestSize Gets or sets the maximum size of OCSP request in bytes, that is allowed to be processed on the server.
NumOfThreads Gets or sets the number of simultaneous OCSP requests that can be served by the Online Responder.
RequestFlags Gets or sets request handling configuration on Online Responder server.
TraceDebugEnabled Gets or sets the value whether the tracing for errors on Online Responder is enabled.


AddArrayMember Adds specified Online Responder to the current Online Responder Array.
AddRevocationConfiguration(String, CertificateAuthority) Adds new revocation configuration to Online Responder to work with specified certification authority.
AddRevocationConfiguration(String, X509Certificate2) Adds new revocation configuration to Online Responder.
ClearRevocationConfigurations Removes all revocation configurations on a current Online Responder server.
Connect Connects to a specified Online Responder instance.
(Inherited from Object)
(Inherited from Object)
(Inherited from Object)
GetMyRoles Gets current client role on Online Responder server.
GetRevocationConfigurations Gets revocation configurations assigned to this Online Responder.
GetSecurityDescriptor Gets security descriptor of the current instance of Online Responder.
(Inherited from Object)
MakeArrayController Makes current instance of Online Responder an Array Controller. If current instance is already a controller, the method does nothing.
(Inherited from Object)
Ping Pings specified Online Responder server.
RemoveArrayMember Removes specified Online Responder from current Online Responder Array.
RemoveRevocationConfiguration(OcspResponderRevocationConfiguration) Removes named revocation configuration from Online Responder.
RemoveRevocationConfiguration(String) Removes named revocation configuration from Online Responder.
Restart Restarts current Online Responder instance.
Start Starts Online Responder service.
Stop Stops Online Responder service.
(Inherited from Object)

See Also