PkcsSignerInfoBuilder Class

This class is used to construct a PkcsSignerInfo object from input data.


Namespace: SysadminsLV.PKI.Cryptography.Pkcs
Assembly: SysadminsLV.PKI (in SysadminsLV.PKI.dll) Version: 4.0.1
public sealed class PkcsSignerInfoBuilder
Object    PkcsSignerInfoBuilder


PkcsSignerInfoBuilder Initializes a new instance of PkcsSignerInfoBuilder class.
PkcsSignerInfoBuilder(PkcsSignerInfo) Initializes a new instance of PkcsSignerInfoBuilder class from existing signer information. All data from existing signer information is copied to builder.


AuthenticatedAttributes Gets the Pkcs9AttributeObjectCollection collection of signed attributes that is associated with the signer information. Signed attributes are signed along with the rest of the message content.
ContentType Gets or sets the object identifier that identifies the content type.
SubjectIdentifier Gets or sets the subject identifier type used to identify the signer in signer info element. Default value is IssuerAndSerialNumber.
UnauthenticatedAttributes Gets the Pkcs9AttributeObjectCollection collection of unsigned attributes that is associated with the PkcsSignerInfo content. Unsigned attributes can be modified without invalidating the signature.
Version Gets the signer information version. Default version Version 1.


AddAuthenticatedAttribute Adds authenticated attribute. Authenticated attribute will be protected from tampering by digitally signing its contents.
AddUnauthenticatedAttribute Adds unauthenticated attribute. Unlike authenticated attribute, unauthenticated attributes are not protected by signer's signature. Unauthenticated attributes are replaceable. Such attributes are counter-signing and timestamp. These attributes are informative or provide their own integrity mechanisms.
Encode Encodes and signs the content using the signer object used in
(Inherited from Object)
(Inherited from Object)
(Inherited from Object)
Sign Signs authenticated attributes.
(Inherited from Object)

See Also