ICryptSigner Interface

Represents cryptographic message signing object contract.


Namespace: SysadminsLV.PKI.Cryptography
Assembly: SysadminsLV.PKI (in SysadminsLV.PKI.dll) Version: 4.0.1
public interface ICryptSigner


HashingAlgorithm Gets or sets the hashing algorithm that is used to calculate the hash during signing or signature verification processes.
PaddingScheme Gets or sets signature padding scheme for RSA signature creation and validation. Default is PKCS1.
PssSaltByteCount Gets or sets the size, in bytes, of the random salt to use for the PSS padding. Default value matches the hash output length: 16 bytes for MD5, 20 bytes for SHA1, 32 bytes for SHA256, 48 bytes for SHA384 and 64 bytes for SHA512 hashing algorithm.
PublicKeyAlgorithm Gets public key algorithm.
SignatureAlgorithm Gets resulting signature algorithm identifier.
SignerCertificate Gets the certificate associated with the current instance of MessageSigner.


GetAlgorithmIdentifier Gets ASN-encoded algorithm identifier based on current configuration.
SignData Signs the data with signer's private key and specified hash algorithm.
SignHash Signs the hash with signer's private key.
VerifyData Verifies that the specified signature matches the specified hash.
VerifyHash Verifies that the specified signature matches the specified hash.

See Also