This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
public enum CertificateTemplateFlags
Public Enumeration CertificateTemplateFlags
public enum class CertificateTemplateFlags
type CertificateTemplateFlags
None | 0 | None. |
Reserved | 1 | This flag is reserved and not used. |
AddEmail | 2 | This flag is reserved and not used. |
AddObjectIdentifier | 4 | This flag is reserved and not used. |
DsPublish | 8 | This flag is reserved and not used. |
AllowKeyExport | 16 | This flag is reserved and not used. |
Autoenrollment | 32 | This flag indicates whether clients can perform autoenrollment for the specified template. |
MachineType | 64 | This flag indicates that this certificate template is for an end entity that represents a machine. |
IsCA | 128 | This flag indicates a certificate request for a CA certificate. |
AddDirectoryPath | 256 | Adds requester distinguished name. |
AddTemplateName | 512 | This flag indicates that a certificate based on this section needs to include a template name certificate extension. |
AddSubjectDirectoryPath | 1,024 | Adds requester distinguished name. |
IsCrossCA | 2,048 | This flag indicates a certificate request for cross-certifying a certificate. |
DoNotPersistInDB | 4,096 |
This flag indicates that the record of a certificate request for a certificate that is issued need not be persisted by the CA.
Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 - this flag is not supported. |
IsDefault | 65,536 | This flag indicates that the template SHOULD not be modified in any way. |
IsModified | 131,072 | This flag indicates that the template MAY be modified if required. |
IsDeleted | 262,144 | N/A |
PolicyMismatch | 524,288 | N/A |