CDP Class

Represents CRLDistributionPoint URL object. An object contains URL information and URL publication settings.


Namespace: PKI.CertificateServices
Assembly: SysadminsLV.PKI.Win (in SysadminsLV.PKI.Win.dll) Version: (
public class CDP
Object    CDP


CDPInitializes a new instance of the CDP class using URL string.


AddToCertCDP Gets True if provided URL is configured to publish specified URL to all issued certificates' CDP extension.
AddToCrlcdp Gets True if provided URL is configured to publish provided URL to CRLs.
AddToFreshestCRL Gets True if provided URL is configured to publish specified URL Base CRL CDP extension. This extension is used to locate Delta CRL locations.
ConfigURI Gets an URL representation that is shown in Certification Authority MMC snap-in Extensions tab. See RegURI property description for detailed variable token replacement rules.
CRLPublish Gets True if provided URL is configured to publish CRLs to this location.
DeltaCRLPublish Gets True if provided URL is configured to publish Delta CRLs to this location.
Flags Gets URL publication Flags. The following Flags (or combination) may be used:

1 - Publish CRLs to this location.

2 - Include in all issued certificates CRL Distribution Points extension.

4 - Include in CRLs. Clients use this to find delta CRL locations.

8 - Include in the CDP extension of CRLs.

64 - Publish delta CRLs to this location. Specifies where to publish in AD DS when publishing to LDAP URLs.

128 - Include in the IDP extension of issued CRLs.

IDP Gets True if provided URL is configured to publish CRLs to CRLs' IDP (Issuing Distribution Point) extension.
ProjectedURI Gets an array of projected URIs with expanded (resolved) variables.
RegURI Gets an URL that is formatted as follows: Flags:protocol/ActualURL/options.

for example, an URL can be: 3:

See Remarks for detailed URL structure.
UrlScheme Gets the protocol scheme used by this object.


(Inherited from Object)
(Inherited from Object)
(Inherited from Object)
(Inherited from Object)
(Inherited from Object)
ToString Returns a string representation of the current CDP object. (Overrides Object.ToString().)
(Overrides ObjectToString)

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.

See Also