OCSPResponseSignerCertificateIsValid Property

Indicates whether the signing certificate is valid for requested usage.


Namespace: SysadminsLV.PKI.OcspClient
Assembly: SysadminsLV.PKI.OcspClient (in SysadminsLV.PKI.OcspClient.dll) Version: 4.0.1
public bool SignerCertificateIsValid { get; }

Property Value



This check returns True under the following circumstances:
  • Is issued by the trusted certification authority.
  • If it is delegated signing certificate, the certificate MUST contains id-kp-OCSPSigning Enhanced Key Usage .
  • If it is delegated signing certificate, the certificate MUST contains OCSP id-pkix-ocsp-nocheck extension.
If any of this check fails, the property returns False.

See Also