Oid2GetAllOids Method

Gets all registrations for the specified OID value.


Namespace: SysadminsLV.PKI.Cryptography
Assembly: SysadminsLV.PKI.Win (in SysadminsLV.PKI.Win.dll) Version: 4.3.0+a868daf3196ed1ac6592e4f3e5cd2b429fc81eaa
public static Oid2[] GetAllOids(
	string value,
	bool searchInDirectory


value  String
OID value to search. If the OID name is passed, it is converted to the best OID value match and performs OID search by its value.
searchInDirectory  Boolean
Specifies whether to search for an object identifier in Active Directory. If the machine is not domain-joined, an OID is searched by using local registration information.

Return Value

An array of OID registrations.


If registration information is found in Active Directory, DistinguishedName parameter contains directory path to a OID registration entry.


ArgumentException The value parameter contains unresolvable object identifier friendly name.

See Also