PolicyServerClientLoadPolicy Method

Loads certificate templates available for enrollment. Certificate templates are populated in Templates property if the method succeeds.


Namespace: PKI.Enrollment.Policy
Assembly: SysadminsLV.PKI.Win (in SysadminsLV.PKI.Win.dll) Version: (
public void LoadPolicy(
	string userName = null,
	SecureString password = null


userName  String  (Optional)
Specifies the user name to authenticate in enrollment policy server.

If the authentication type is set to ClientCertificate, this parameter must contains authentication certificate's thumbprint.

This parameter must be omitted when Kerberos authentication is used.

password  SecureString  (Optional)
Specifies the password to authenticate in enrollment policy server.

This parameter must be used only when UserNameAndPassword authentication method is used. This parameter must be omitted in all other authentication methods.

See Also