ICertPolicy2 Interface

Provide communications between the Certificate Services server engine and the policy module.


Namespace: ADCS.CertMod.Managed.Policy
Assembly: ADCS.CertMod.Managed (in ADCS.CertMod.Managed.dll) Version: (
public interface ICertPolicy2 : ICertPolicy


GetDescription Returns a human-readable description of the policy module and its function.
GetManageModule Called by the server engine to retrieve the object that allows the Certification Authority to configure the policy module.
Initialize Called by the server engine to allow the policy module to perform initialization tasks.
ShutDown Called by the server engine before the server is terminated.
VerifyRequest The VerifyRequest method notifies the policy module that a new request has entered the system. The policy module can then interact with that request by passing Context as a parameter when retrieving or setting properties on the request or associated certificate.

The returned disposition value indicates whether the request has been accepted, denied, or has been sent to the administration queue for later evaluation.

See Also