ILogWriter Interface

Represents a type used to perform logging.


Namespace: ADCS.CertMod.Managed
Assembly: ADCS.CertMod.Managed (in ADCS.CertMod.Managed.dll) Version: (
public interface ILogWriter


LogLevel Gets or sets the current logging level.


Log(LogLevel, Exception, String) Formats and writes a log message at the specified log level.
Log(LogLevel, String, Object) Formats and writes a log message at the specified log level.
LogCritical(Exception, String) Formats and writes a critical log message.
LogCritical(String, Object) Formats and writes a critical log message.
LogDebug(Exception, String) Formats and writes a debug log message.
LogDebug(String, Object) Formats and writes a debug log message.
LogError(Exception, String) Formats and writes an error log message.
LogError(String, Object) Formats and writes an error log message.
LogInformation(Exception, String) Formats and writes an informational log message.
LogInformation(String, Object) Formats and writes an informational log message.
LogTrace(Exception, String) Formats and writes a trace log message.
LogTrace(String, Object) Formats and writes a trace log message.
LogWarning(Exception, String) Formats and writes a warning log message.
LogWarning(String, Object) Formats and writes a warning log message.

See Also