CertServerModule Class

Represents a communication object between exit or policy module with Certification Authority.


Namespace: ADCS.CertMod.Managed
Assembly: ADCS.CertMod.Managed (in ADCS.CertMod.Managed.dll) Version: (
public class CertServerModule
Object    CertServerModule


RequestID Gets request ID for current context. This property is populated only in exit module when certificate-related event is fired by Certification Authority.


CreateExit Gets communication object for exit module.
CreatePolicy Gets communication object for policy module.
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
FinalizeContext Finalizes context processing. Must be invoked after finishing Notify(ExitEvents, Int32) and VerifyRequest(String, Int32, Int32, Int32) method processing.
GetAttestationChallenge Returns binary attestation challenge.
GetCallerName Returns caller name.
GetCertificateHash Returns issued certificate's SHA1 hash.
GetCertificateTemplate Returns certificate template name or object identifier (OID).
GetDisposition Returns disposition status.
GetDispositionMessage Returns disposition status message.
GetEndorsementCertificateHash Returns endorsement certificate hash.
GetEndorsementKeyHash Returns endorsement key hash.
GetEnrollmentFlags Returns enrollment flags.
GetGeneralFlags Returns request general flags.
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetInCommonName Returns requested common name RDN attribute.
GetInCountry Returns requested Country RDN attribute.
GetInDeviceSerialNumber Returns requested device serial number RDN attribute.
GetInDistinguishedName Returns requested X.500 distinguished name.
GetInDomainComponent Returns requested domain component RDN attribute.
GetInEMail Returns requested Email RDN attribute.
GetInGivenName Returns requested GivenName RDN attribute.
GetInInitials Returns requested Initials RDN attribute.
GetInLocality Returns requested locality RDN attribute.
GetInOrganization Returns requested Organization RDN attribute.
GetInOrgUnit Returns requested organizational unit RDN attribute.
GetInRawName Returns requested ASN.1-encoded X.500 distinguished name.
GetInState Returns requested StateOrProvince RDN attribute.
GetInStreetAddress Returns requested Street RDN attribute.
GetInSurName Returns requested Surname RDN attribute.
GetInTitle Returns requested Title RDN attribute.
GetInUnstructuredAddress Returns requested unstructured address RDN attribute.
GetInUnstructuredName Returns requested unstructured name RDN attribute.
GetIssuedProperties Returns a dictionary of DB columns for issued request.
GetKeyRecoveryHashes Returns key recovery agent (KRA) certificate hashes.
GetManagedPolicyModule Returns an underlying implementation of ICertServerPolicyManaged interface.
GetNotAfter Returns issued certificate's expiration timestamp.
GetNotBefore Returns the issued certificate's beginning timestamp.
GetOfficer Returns officer name who resolved request.
GetOutCommonName Returns issued common name RDN attribute.
GetOutCountry Returns issued Country RDN attribute.
GetOutDeviceSerialNumber Returns issued device serial number RDN attribute.
GetOutDistinguishedName Returns issued X.500 distinguished name.
GetOutDomainComponent Returns issued domain component RDN attribute.
GetOutEMail Returns issued Email RDN attribute.
GetOutGivenName Returns issued GivenName RDN attribute.
GetOutInitials Returns issued Initials RDN attribute.
GetOutLocality Returns issued locality RDN attribute.
GetOutOrganization Returns issued Organization RDN attribute.
GetOutOrgUnit Returns issued organizational unit RDN attribute.
GetOutRawName Returns issued ASN.1-encoded X.500 distinguished name.
GetOutState Returns issued StateOrProvince RDN attribute.
GetOutStreetAddress Returns issued Street RDN attribute.
GetOutSurName Returns issued Surname RDN attribute.
GetOutTitle Returns issued Title RDN attribute.
GetOutUnstructuredAddress Returns issued unstructured address RDN attribute.
GetOutUnstructuredName Returns issued unstructured name RDN attribute.
GetPendingOrFailedProperties Returns a dictionary of DB columns for pending or failed request.
GetPrivateKeyFlags Returns private key flags.
GetPublicKeyAlgorithm Returns public key algorithm name.
GetPublicKeyLength Returns public key binary length in bits.
GetPublishExpiredCertInCRL Indicates whether current expired and revoked certificate is added in CRL.
GetRawArchivedKey Returns binary archived key.
GetRawCertificate Returns ASN.1-encoded issued certificate.
GetRawKeyRecoveryHashes Returns new line-delimited string of key recovery agent (KRA) certificate hashes.
GetRawOldCertificate Returns renewal certificate.
GetRawPublicKey Returns ASN.1-encoded public key.
GetRawPublicKeyAlgorithmParameters Returns ASN.1-encoded public key algorithm parameters.
GetRawRequest Returns binary request.
GetRawRequestAttributes Returns raw request attributes as new line-delimited array of name-value pairs.
GetRequestAttributes Returns a collection of attributes associated with request context.
GetRequesterName Returns requester name.
GetRequestExtensions Returns a collection of extensions associated with request context.
GetRequestFlags Returns request flags.
GetRequestID Returns a request ID.
GetRequestType Returns request type.
GetResolvedWhen Returns request resolution timestamp.
GetRevokedEffectiveWhen Returns certificate's actual revocation timestamp.
GetRevokedProperties Returns a dictionary of DB columns for revoked request.
GetRevokedReason Returns revocation reason.
GetRevokedWhen Returns certificate's last revocation timestamp.
GetSerialNumber Returns the certificate's serial number.
GetSignerApplicationPolicies Returns a new line-delimited array of request co-signing application policies.
GetSignerPolicies Returns a new line-delimited array of request co-signing certificate policies.
GetStatusCode Returns HRESULT status code.
GetSubjectKeyIdentifier Returns the subject key identifier (SKI) string.
GetSubmittedWhen Returns request submission timestamp.
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
GetUPN Returns a user principal name (UPN) from issued certificate.
InitializeContext Initializes a policy module context.
InitializeEvent Initializes an exit module context.
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)

See Also