ICertManageModuleConfigure Method

Displays the module user interface.


Namespace: ADCS.CertMod.Managed
Assembly: ADCS.CertMod.Managed (in ADCS.CertMod.Managed.dll) Version: (
void Configure(
	string strConfig,
	string strStorageLocation,
	int Flags


strConfig  String
Represents the configuration string for the Certificate Services server in the form COMPUTERNAME\CANAME, where COMPUTERNAME is the Certificate Services server's network name, and CANAME is the common name of the certification authority (CA) as entered for the CA during Certificate Services setup.
strStorageLocation  String
A location that provides storage for the property values, as described in the definition of strStorageLocation in strStorageLocation in GetProperty(String, String, String, Int32).
Flags  Int32
A value used to determine whether the configuration interface is to be presented to the user. If this value is zero, the user will be presented with an interface for configuring the module. If this value is CMM_REFRESHONLY, Certificate Services will not display the user interface, but the latest changes to the configuration of the module will be in effect when future certificate requests are processed (this allows changes to be incorporated without requiring a response to a user interface).

See Also