PKI In-Depth Training In New York City & San Francisco
I am now fielding interest for the 4-day PKI In-Depth Training course to be held in New York City and for San Francisco. Both are half-way to minimum course size. Dates will be established based on attendee availability. I will also be covering the new NDES Policy Module feature in 2012 R2 and the topics covered in the soon to be released Securing and Hardening NDES White Paper from Microsoft. Agenda for the class is based on these topics:
PKI Basics
Compatibility of CNG across platforms
Choosing CSP versus KSP
How does PKI Work
Best Practices for Microsoft PKI
Security vs Compatibility
Digital Certificates
Create/Duplicating Templates
Template Versions
Template changes in 2008, R2 and 2012+
CA Design
CA Chains and Revocation
Revocation Mechanisms
Chaining Algorithms and multiple paths
Best Practices
Manual Enrollment Options
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No matter what your team’s prior experience, we offer curated courses that match their level of expertise and set them on the path to deeper understanding.
Learn More About PKI TrainingAdvanced Topics
Upgrading and Migrating CAs between hosts and OSes
Known issues with ADCS Configurations
How to troubleshoot a CA that wont start
Advanced ADCS Debug Logging
Exploring and Defining the Key Windows Registry Keys for ADCS
Certutil command for troubleshooting and diagnostics
Credential Roaming
High Availability of CAs
Extending Trusts to other Organizations
Cross-Forest Enrollment
How CRL checking Works
OCSP Dependency on CRLs
Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES)
Securing and Hardening NDES (based on soon to be released White Paper)
BYOD solutions
SCCM & InTune
Policy Module (new in 2012 R2)
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Mark B. Cooper
President & Founder at PKI Solutions, Leading PKI Cybersecurity Subject Matter Expert, Author, Speaker, Trainer, Microsoft Certified Master.
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