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Conference Presentations

Here are our past conference presentations (when permitted) for your use. Please respect the copyright for the content and use this for your own educational or research purposes only.

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  • Applied Crypto Symposium
    Applied Crypto Symposium

    January 2020 // Post-Quantum Cryptography

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  • SIPNOC - The SIP Network Operators Conference
    SIPNOC - The SIP Network Operators Conference

    December 2019 // Everything You Didn't Want to Hear about PKI and STIR/SHAKEN

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  • Nordic IT Security Conference
    Nordic IT Security Conference

    November 2019 // How to Future-Proof IoT Security

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  • nCipher EMEA And US Channel Partners
    nCipher EMEA And US Channel Partners

    Oct 2019 - Amsterdam // PKI and Hardware Security Modules


    October 2019 - eSummit // KEYNOTE - Cloud Insecurity: The Need for Stronger Identity Management

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  • Cyber Risk Alliance eSummit
    Cyber Risk Alliance eSummit

    September 2019 - eSummit // KEYNOTE - The Secret to Secrets Management

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  • PrimeKey Tech Days
    PrimeKey Tech Days

    September 2019 - Stockholm // SHAKEN/STIR (Signature-based Handling of Asserted Information using ToKENs and Secure Telephony Identity Revisited)

  • DEFCON 27
    DEFCON 27

    August 2019 - Las Vegas, Nevada // How PKI and SHAKEN/STIR Will Fix the Global Robocall Problem


    May 2019 - Anaheim, California // Cloud Insecurity: The Need for Stronger Identity Management

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  • FutureX & VirtuCrypt Summit
    FutureX & VirtuCrypt Summit

    April 2019 - San Antonio, Texas // Managing the Root of Trust at Scale

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  • BSides PDX
    BSides PDX

    October 2018 - Portland, Oregon

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  • Get Ahead of the Cyberthreats Pt. 1
    Get Ahead of the Cyberthreats Pt. 1

    May 2015 - Stockholm, Sweden // The Information Threats Checklist: Five Things That Reveal if Your Systems are at Risk

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Video Content

  • Top 10 Mistakes in Microsoft PKI Deployments

    How well designed and implemented is your Public Key Infrastructure? Enterprises around the world use Microsoft Windows based Public Key Infrastructure for digital certificates. However, most environments make the same mistakes. Learn what the most common mistakes are and how you can mitigate them. This session is based on new/exclusive content created for this conference. Borrowing from over 10 years of designing, assessing, and remediating Public Key Infrastructures around the world, a common theme emerges. As the creator of the Microsoft PKI Health Check, it was the presenters job to access and analyze PKI environments around the world. This content is based on the most common mistakes seen in customer after customer. The common threads are amazingly clear and often easy to remediate.


  • The Secret to Secrets Management

    The modern IT landscape is filled with secrets: certificates, cryptocurrency wallets, SQL connection strings, storage account keys, passwords, and encryption keys. Getting a handle on secrets management is a top challenge. A centralized approach to secrets management is vital to protect their data and assets, whereby poorly-managed security could lead to breach, non-compliance, or outage.

  • Managing the Root of Trust at Scale

    This presentation covers the basics of a PKI, how organizations are using PKI today and tomorrow. It then explores the challenges in environments where a large number of offline, air-gaped Root and Policy CAs are needed. Leveraging the FutureX platform, a unique option to consolidate these CAs onto a smaller infrastructure are possible.

  • How PKI and SHAKEN/STIR Will Fix the Global Robocall Problem

    The global robocall and illegal callerID spoofing problem is affecting nearly everyone. Currently almost 50% of all calls placed in the US are robocalls or scammers. The new industry standard SHAKEN/STIR is designed to combat the problem and at its core is PKI.

Connect With Us for Certainty in Security

If you’re ready to learn more about our essential solutions for your essential PKI, reach out today. Book time with one of our specialists to discuss your needs and how we can meet and exceed your business requirements.


Phone: +1 (971) 231-5523

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5331 S. Macadam Ave, Suite 330
Portland, Oregon 97239